Lifting a Radiant Heated Concrete Floor: Shop Floor Edition.


The west side of this shop floor with in-floor heat pipes had water draining towards the south west wall. This was causing major issues for this farmer because they were using this area for heavy equipment storage, as well as a seating area for employees. Many home or business owners aren’t sure if it is possible or not to raise a floor with radiant heat, but it indeed is! A thermal imaging company was called in to map the in-floor heat pipes prior to this lift, to avoid damaging them during this lift.

concrete shop floor lift before


Slab-Jack Kings tackled this concrete shop floor lift by raising, levelling and stabilizing the west side of the floor back up by an average of 3 inches along the wall. Water from equipment stored in this area now properly drains away from the wall and towards the threshold of the overhead door, instead of the southwest wall.

Lifting a Radiant Heated Concrete Floor In The Shop

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We are a small, Canadian, family-based business that provides professional consultations, estimates and applications towards concrete slab lifting, levelling, void filling, stabilization and concrete under-slab insulation using polyurethane foam.

Our lifting professionals are equipped with vast knowledge and experience with concrete and this has made it possible to provide a personalized solution to any and all concrete problems.

Stop the threat of tripping or slipping on an uneven or out-of-level, poured concrete slab.

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